Contact Details


Please contact if you have any general queries.

Scientific Organising Committee (SOC)
  • Paul Giles (University of Sussex)
  • James Aird (University of Edinburgh)
  • Becky Canning (University of Portsmouth)
  • Judith Croston (The Open University)
  • Phil Evans (University of Leicester)
  • Scott Hagen (Durham University)
  • Adam Ingram (Newcastle University)
  • Helen Russell (University of Nottingham)
  • Mike Watson (University of Leicester)
  • Andy Young (University of Bristol)
  • Silvia Zane (University College London, MSSL)

Local Organising Committee (LOC)
  • Paul Giles
  • Kathy Romer
  • Reese Wilkinson
  • Jessica Pilling
  • Arwa Abdulghafour